My Breastfeeding Story
Photography credit: Littles and Lenses
In 2017, I had my first baby, Lucca. He struggled to latch and I nursed hourly around the clock. By day 5, my milk still didn't seem to have come in despite nursing on demand and pumping. My midwife referred me to a lactation consultant and I was then diagnosed with Breast Hypoplasia, also known as Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT). This meant that I would never be able to make enough milk to feed my babies, no matter what I did. I was beyond devastated. Luckily, I had lots of support, he received a tongue tie revision and I had access to donor milk, so I was able to successfully nurse him until he was 8 months old, with supplementation, medication and an supplemental nursing system (SNS).
Photography credit: Littles and Lenses
Fast forward to 2019, I had my second son, Matteo. I was much more empowered with information (as I was now a Certified Lactation Educator and Birth Doula at Beautiful Blessings) and had 500+ oz of frozen donor milk ready to go (thanks to two amazing mothers in my life), had expressed colostrum in the freezer, an SNS and a robust nursing and supplementation plan. When Matteo was born, he had a tongue tie which was corrected on day 10 and I was able to start my medications immediately. I supplemented until day 5 with my own frozen colostrum on a spoon. From there, I continued to feed on demand and offer donor milk and formula, as needed. We went on to experience challenges including issues with him having a high palate and a horrible, month long bout of mastitis, but we pulled through.
I am so proud to say that I am still nursing Matteo at almost 13 months old, with no medication and little to no supplementation. I am now working towards becoming a Le Leche Leader as I am very passionate about supporting breastfeeding/chestfeeding individuals, particularly if they are dealing with low supply or hypoplasia.
“I am happy that I reached my breastfeeding goals and I am excited to continue our journey”
- Lauren Calleja Birth Doula, CLE
Photography credit: Jillian Henry Photography