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Supporting families in Edmonton & Area

Are you facing challenges with infant feeding?

As healthcare workers in private practice, we noticed families are not getting the support they need. We all know with the proper support, in all areas of life, there is much higher chance of success. The intent of this page is for parents to have quick access to trained professionals who specialize in infant care,  specifically infants struggling with oral restrictions (tongue and/or lip ties), torticollis, fussiness, bowel troubles, etc. We have met with everyone on this list and they are ALL so wonderful, knowledgable, caring and compassionate.  Each striving towards helping you provide the best life for you and your baby!  


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Dr. Emily Devlin, DC

Shift Physiotherapy & Wellness, Edmonton

What are the ages you help? 

It is never too soon (or too late) to be treated! I treat everyone from babies on their way home from the hospital to 99 year old great-great grandparents.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

There are multiple factors that can influence sub-optimal infant feeding, including the nervous system, muscles of the head and neck, and proper joint movement. When one, or multiple, of these systems are not working properly in our little ones, they often manifest as functional issues such as difficulty latching, turning the head, sucking/swallowing, or digesting. All these factors are addressed in my practice through a combination of gentle chiropractic adjustments, muscle work, and/or simple home exercises/treatments. Many issues that our infants have - including torticollis, constipation, reflux, slow/improper crawling, etc. - can be influenced by the same factors and can have great results with treatment as well.  

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

Treating a baby is very different from treating an adult, so don’t expect the same treatment that you would typically get! Treating infants is done with very little pressure, and often appears as though we aren’t doing anything at all! Our kiddos also tend to improve much quicker than an adult would, so often some improvements can be made in just a few treatments. 

About you:

My name is Dr. Emily Devlin, and I am a chiropractor in Sherwood Park. Growing up in Grande Prairie Alberta, I always knew I wanted to work with children and mamas somewhere in the healthcare field, but I wasn’t sure in what capacity. When I found chiropractic, I fell in love with the hands on, non-invasive treatment that was able to positively impact people so quickly. While going to chiropractic school in Portland, Oregon I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best pediatric chiropractors (at least in my opinion!) and attend multiple pediatric and perinatal seminars to further develop my love for helping families thrive! 

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Dr. Hailey lutz

Soulfully Adjusted Chiropractic, Edmonton & St. Albert

What are the ages you help?

I work with all ages! From birth to aging adults, I love to work with each and every human that walks through my doors.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

Chiropractors work directly with the nervous system, the master system of the body through gentle and specific spinal adjustments. The nature of this care is not in the fixing or adding a diagnoses, but reduction of nerve system stress, restoration of physiologic balance and ultimately fullest expression of life. As children, we are in touch with our innocence, aliveness and freedom to express, but as we grow, we develop patterns and ultimately taking on layer’s of “stuff”. While our journey earth-side is one of the most miraculous experiences, it coincidentally can be traumatic resulting in a tremendous amount of stress both emotionally and physically. Children innately know how to express health and at Soulfully Adjusted we love to see your littles THRIVE. Utilizing nervous system focused chiropractic will support this foundational concept for a life full of adapting, growing and continually reconnecting to the healing power within.

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

I would like every patient to know that when they walk into our space, that you will be heard. We like to say that we are your partner in care and will work as a team to help you achieve all of your health goals. We are here to uncover your true healing potential and watch you & your family THRIVE.

About you:

From a young age, Dr. Hailey was involved in the community. From playing competitive volleyball, to serving through volunteer work, she enjoyed making connections to those around her. When she was in her 1st year of university, she applied for a job as a Chiropractic Assistant at South Side Chiropractic, not knowing what the future had in store. Her passion for chiropractic continued to grow, yet not knowing she would be well on her way to becoming part of the profession. Dr. Hailey holds her Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker University in Dallas, TX as well as her Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Alberta. Throughout her schooling, Dr. Hailey dedicated her time to learning about chiropractic’s innate centred philosophy, science and art. From there, she dove deep into the roots of chiropractic and what it means to express life to the fullest while healing from the inside, out. Also while completing her 3 1/2 year Doctor of Chiropractic program she also attended over 25+ seminars taught by the professions most recognized masters of the art. Additional certifications include Webster’s Certification, training with the ICPA & concussion protocols. Through her education, certifications, intention and respect of your personal journey, Dr. Hailey’s goal is to begin to uncover each individuals potential to heal and watch them grow into their innate power. She cannot wait to meet and serve you all.

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Dr. Jenna Ewasiuk

Thrive Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, Edmonton

What are the ages you help?

At Thrive, we have helped newborns from as young as 1 day old.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

- Breastfeeding and latch challenges by assessing latch (tongue and suck function)

- Plagiocephaly (Flat head) and Torticollis 

- Digestion Problems - constipation, excessive gas, reflux 

- Colic 

- Sleep Difficulties

- Delayed Milestones

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

Dr. Jenna's job as a trained pediatric chiropractor is to assess and identify where the stress and dysfunction is occurring. With specific chiropractic adjustments, it can create the ability to optimize brain-body communication and bring more balance and ease to a baby's developing spine and nervous system.

About you:

Dr. Jenna firmly believes that chiropractic care can help young children and families to get well and stay well. By addressing spinal health at an early age future problems can be prevented and kids are instilled with the importance of healthy living! Dr. Jenna has taken several courses through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and attends regular seminars to stay informed with the latest research in the industry.

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LiveWell Family Chiropractic, Edmonton

What are the ages you help?

Our practice is 40% pediatric, with kiddos ranging from just days old to older toddlers as they adapt to new foods and textures.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding
and general baby issues?

Though safe, gentle, and effective chiropractic care we support all members of the family with a special interest in babies and kids. Learning how to feed optimally is a biomechanical and neurological dance of so many steps! Chiropractic works to directly affect the alignment of the spine and TMJ and the nerve control of this complex function. We use years of clinical experience and the latest technology to measure the severity of stress on the nerve system to gain further certainty in how chiropractic can help your baby.

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice
before they schedule?

All of our doctors are passionate about taking care of children and have gained advanced training in pediatrics and prenatal care to ensure we are providing the best for our community.


Dr. Wendy Coburn

One Village Family Chiropractic Community, Edmonton

What are the ages you help?

I help newborns from a few minutes old through to great grandparents

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby


It is important to have an early “well baby check up” to make sure there is no stress on the nerve system, so no symptoms quietly develop.  There are big milestones to reach under the age of 2, where it is important for littles to be free of stress. The brain grows the most up until the age of 2; then before 5-7 years of age.  The greatest level of growth and development for sensory or vision and hearing happens between birth and 11 months so we want to make sure there is no interference here.  The greatest growth and development for language happens from 2 months with the peak at 9-10 months and then drops down at 1 year and 5 months approximately.  The highest growth phase for cognitive function occurs or ramps up from 8 months to 14 - each of these groupings of age and growth were determined by studies done at Harvard University and are crucial growth periods for the aforementioned development.  These growth phases impact brain architecture or neuronal connections to the prefrontal core and hippocampus. The nerves that control the muscles, sensory and autonomic functions of baby come primarily from the spine.  When there is tension in the spine it can limit nerve communication to how the body functions (i.e., muscles and latching) and healing.  Cranial bones and sutures can become inhibited during pregnancy and delivery especially if intervention is necessary. So as a chiropractor, we work to ensure proper alignment and movement is occurring to allow for proper latch, jaw alignment, muscle activation and nerve flow which coordinates reflexes and baby’s natural ability to nurse. Sometimes interference in the spine (subluxation) can cause difficulty nursing on one side, latching fussiness or pulling away, inability to relax their arms and legs, inability to lay flat, displeasure in tummy time, inability to lift their head while on tummy, inability to turn their head or correct it to a different position, to name a few.

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

Chiropractic adjustments are light - the pressure you would put on your eyeball approximately 1 -2 oz.  It is a sustained pressure until the tissue, vertebrae or suture shifts and baby's body resets itself releasing the interference.   Correction, if done sooner, takes less time to heal. The longer the stress and interference has been there, the more the body grows and develops and adapts around it hiding the issue, yet it grows into sometimes larger issues.

The sooner a well baby check is completed and baby is monitored throughout growth and development in the early years the less interference and optimal growth and development for them.  Every child matters - every child counts!

If you have questions call us and we will call you back. We are a resource as well. It can be nerve wracking for some parents as the unknown is scary. What I’d imagined is often not the case in terms of how we care for a little. Also important, if a tongue tie or lip tie is found, get in for chiropractic care right away to see how the body can release some of the tension before a revision. Sometimes the body uses tongue or lip ties to balance out the neuro-spinal tone. As the neural tone in the body is more at ease, the “tie” tension decreases. Home exercises are given to parents and caregivers to soften the tie and guidance in supporting and encouraging movement and milestones in development. Milestone education is so crucial to ensure we don’t rush our babes and they bypass milestones impacting neurological growth and development!

About you:

I became passionate about pediatric chiropractic while working at an office during my undergraduate degree.  A family had adopted a little guy and knew nothing of his maternal experience nor birth.  They did notice a change in the shape of his skull, he was fussy and had trouble latching.   He did not start into care until he was 9-months-old struggling with feeding from a bottle, so it took a bit to help his system heal and correct itself - seeing the changes in the shape of his skull, his ability to thrive was so inspiring. Over the years, seeing the amazing changes in little ones and their families is so inspiring. Knowing the changes can help them grow and develop stronger to allow them to adapt at a higher level to the stress of life coming at them.  Be it physical, toxic or mental and emotional.  (As an aside - chiropractic is amazing during pregnancy to help moms adapt to stress and the load of life better.  I too have helped during delivery with back labour and when labour stalls - as sometimes moms get overloaded and just need some support with light sacral and upper cervical adjusting to wake up the autonomic system



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Jessie Brown, MScPT, BKin

Movement First Physical Therapy, Edmonton

What are the ages you help?

All ages, everything from newborns to teens (and even adults!). I have experience in the NICU, so fragile or complex cases are more than welcome

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

Torticollis (often called wry neck or twisted neck) is a condition that causes the neck to bias a certain position. This is often due to muscular weakness or tightness in the muscles that surround the neck. If a baby cannot rotate their head it may cause issues with breastfeeding/infant feeding. We help parents by providing them with exercises to develop strong neck, trunk (or core) and arm strength which often assists with swallowing and feeding. General baby issues: hyper or hypo-tonia, gross motor delays (milestone attainment), toe walking, and the list goes on with who and what we can assist and treat!

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

No physician referral is required for a pediatric physio assessment. My goal is to allow you to manage whatever concern you have with your baby/infant at home with confidence. Typically 1-5 treatments is the maximum needed to correct most infant conditions, and treatments can be direct billed through most extended benefit providers. We treat 1-on-1 in private treatment rooms spending anywhere between 30-60 minutes with you depending on your needs.

About you:

My name is Jessie and I am a physiotherapist who specializes in pediatric rehabilitation. I am very passionate about using evidence-based active rehab to assist you in meeting you and your child's goals. I want to make your experience at physio enjoyable, so you understand the purpose behind our treatment and can continue with suggestions at home. If you have any questions feel free to reach out! Email: jessie@movementfirstphysio.com

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Sari Uretsky BScPT, CAFCI

Uretsky Physiotherapy, Edmonton

What are the ages you help?

6 weeks old to 2 years, adolescents and adults

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

I provide education and treatment to babies from 6 weeks old on, for head shape disorders, specifically plagiocephaly, brachiocephaly and scaphocephaly. I also treat torticollis in babies.

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

I treat every patient one on one. I also offer virtual sessions if requested or required. All treatment is private pay, not funded by AHS, however, receipts may be submitted to extended health care plans for reimbursement. On-line booking makes it easy and simple to schedule appointments.

About you:

Originally from Edmonton, Sari graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor in Rehabilitative Medicine in 1999. She worked as head trainer for the Golden Bears basketball team and as an assistant trainer with the Edmonton Eskimos. Sari moved to Vancouver where she completed her certifications in Acupuncture, Pelvic Floor Health and Functional Capacity Evaluation. She also served as the WCB liaison with the BC College of Physiotherapists. In 2006, Sari returned to Edmonton where she has appeared numerous times on television and radio shows, discussing physiotherapy issues.  She is now certified in the use of Radial Shockwave Therapy and IMS. Sari has experience in sport related injuries, motor vehicle accidents, WCB cases, women’s health issues and paediatric care.  She focuses on educating her patients on their condition, using manual therapy to improve mobility and teaching exercises for strengthening and prevention of re-injury. Sari runs her own dance company, enjoys golfing, playing baseball and her newest passion, CrossFit.  She has begun competing in the sport and is always working on her Olympic lifts!  Sari has three beautiful children she is extremely proud of.


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist


Sophia Tsang, B.Sc., RDH, COM

Apex Myofunctional Therapy, Sherwood Park

What are the ages you help?

​All ages

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

​-guided oral development

-oral tissue restrictions preventing proper feeding

-oral muscle dysfunction and habits that can be identified for poor feeding, or oral developmental patterns

-tongue-tie assessment and oral and facial muscle weaknesses

-tips and tricks to help parents improve their babies ability to sleep, breathe and feed better, which ultimately helps with overall guided development

About you:

Sophia holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) from the University of Alberta. After obtaining her degree, she pursued a career as a registered dental hygienist (RDH). She has been a member in good standing with Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) and the College of Registered Dental Hygienists (CRDHA) since 2010.

Sophia then specialised with Joy Moeller at the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and pursued further training at the Coulson Institute in Denver, Colorado, where she accepted an internship with Ms Sandra Coulson at her Institution and Clinic in Colorado. Sophia took on the initiative and completed her full IAOM certification; She is amongst one of the first few in her province to be a Certified Orofacial Myologist.

Sophia loves growing and sharing her knowledge through continuing education in both orofacial myology and dentistry and finds it fascinating to be able to combine both fields of work into her practice. She is an active member in good standing with the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM).Sophia is trained and involved in educating candidates about Myobrace, Myofunctional Orthodontics. Myobraces are sized, prefabricated dental appliances that assist myofunctional habit correction, TMJ, sleep disorders and tooth positioning. We work with dentists who may also be providers of Myobrace for anyone who may benefit from this treatment option.  And has completed full training with her COMPLETE VIVOS INTEGRATED PRACTICE to help with VIVOS appliance therapy patients.  


CranioSacral Therapy (CST)


Dr. Alyssa Clarkson

Sublime Health and Family Chiropractic Clinic

What are the ages you help?

I can help babies as soon as they are earth side and then continue care throughout their lives. There is no age that is too young to be seen by a chiropractor and craniosacral therapist. I also treat toddlers, teenagers, adults and elderly people.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

A lot of babies that have issues with feeding on both sides tend to have some restrictions in their neck. If the baby has trouble looking one way or the other, they tend not to want to feed that way because it is uncomfortable for them. I do a thorough history and exam to see what is going on with each individual baby and then treat accordingly. I also help with colic, constipation, torticollis, reflux, ear infections and asymmetric crawling/gait.

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

The one thing that I would want every parent to know before scheduling with me is that a baby adjustment is VERY different from an adult adjustment. The technique is very gentle and before I do any adjusting, I show the parent the pressure I use. I usually say that the pressure is similar to if you were checking the firmness of a tomato.

About you:

I am Dr. Alyssa Clarkson and I grew up in Camrose, AB. After receiving my Bachelor of Science from the University of Alberta, I moved down to Minnesota for chiropractic school. I love to play and watch sports, spend time with family and friends, hike, run, go to the gym and anything that keeps me active. I have a special interest in treating babies, children and pregnant moms. I find that there is so much value in educating and helping this population. Once the borders are open again, I will be getting my Webster certification and continuing my education with some more ICPA courses.


Cara Ludwig, RMT and Rhonda Lynn, RMT

StillPoint Wholistic Therapy, Edmonton

What ages do we help?

We support families and individuals of all ages including newborns, children of all ages, pregnant people and adults.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant feeding and general baby issues?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch therapy that supports the nervous system so that the body can self-correct and heal naturally. It is very gentle, which means that it is safe for all ages, including babies - both full term and premature. CST helps with:

  • latch/feeding challenges

  • torticollis

  • plagiocephaly (flat head)

  • digestive challenges (for example reflux, gassiness or constipation)

  • sleep disturbances

  • birth trauma

  • and many other concerns.

What is one thing you want every parent to know about  your practice before they schedule?

As individuals and as practitioners, we believe that all individuals have a right to high quality, accessible health and wellness services. StillPoint Wholistic is a safe and inclusive space, where you can feel reassured and supported. Our services are intended to help you find connection and healing, and our environment is one that welcomes you exactly as you are.

About you

To learn more about Rhonda and Cara, please visit the "Meet the Team" page on our website.

Registered Massage Therapist


Kaitlyn Laliberte, RMT

Little Raindow Massage, Sherwood Park

 What are the ages you help?

We focus our practice on pediatric clients of all ages and abilities, from babies as early as 4 weeks old, to toddlers, children, teenagers, and we can’t forget about those mama’s to-be.

How can your practice specifically help with breastfeeding/infant and general babies issues?

Our goal as a Massage Therapist is to relax and release muscles that become tense, and this is something that can happen as early as being in the utero. By releasing the body's muscles, this can help improve your baby's latch, feeding positions and increase their appetite. Our most common issue we see with our clients is gas/colic. Pairing a hydrotherapy session with your massage can help relieve these symptoms by simply stimulating the digestive tract which will allow your babies to release any air trapped inside the abdomen. Plus who doesn’t love a spa day!

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about your practice before they schedule?

A massage therapy session doesn’t always happen on a traditional massage table. Our treatments are tailored to your child’s needs and what works best for them. Your child’s session may be on a mat on the floor or colouring and playing with sensory toys. Our skill set allows us to move with your child, and you never know they just might surprise you!

About you

My name Kaitlyn Laliberte and I have been a Registered Massage Therapist since 2014. I gained a passion for all things mama and baby related back in 2020 when I became a mom myself. During the pandemic I practiced and learned more about infant massage with the help of my daughter. My goal as a healthcare provider is to educate and spread knowledge to new parents about the importance massage therapy has in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.