Covid-19 and Breastfeeding


Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to write a note about Covid-19 and Breastfeeding. There is a lot of confusing and contradictory information in the world right now.  I have researched the most credible sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), World Health Organization (WHO) & Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM). I’m hoping this will be useful to you in some way. Of course, there seems to be new information about Covid-19 emerging daily;  the information below is current as of today.  


  • It is a respiratory virus.

  • Primary mode of transmission is through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

  • Is NOT found in breastmilk.

  • There is no evidence of vertical transmission (passage of a pathogen from mother to baby during the period immediately before or after birth through placenta, breastmilk or direct contact.).

  • Is highly infectious! On average, 1 person who has the virus infects about 2.5 people. 

  • Up to 44% of transmission occurs during the pre-symptomatic stage (a person who does not know they are sick but they are shedding the virus and transmitting to others).

Limit transmission by:

Breastfeeding During Covid-19.jpg
  • Handwashing often with soap and water- it is the most effective tool

  • Avoid touching face and eyes

  • Cleaning surfaces of frequently used areas

  • Wearing masks to limit exposure to droplets that a person may be exhale (controversy remains over the effectiveness of masks)

  • Physical distancing aka social distancing to interrupt chain of transmission

The concern among infants is due to their immature immune system. Breast milk provides protection against many illnesses and is the best source of nutrition for most infants.

The recommendation from the CDC & WHO is that mothers with COVID-19 CAN breastfeed.  Mothers should :

  • Practice respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette (cover nose/mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, when coughing use a mask, use disposable tissues and discard after use, practice hand hygiene after having contact with respiratory secretions)

  • Wash hands before and after touching baby

  • Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces they touch

If a mother with COVID-19 is too unwell to directly breastfeed she should be supported to safely provide her baby with breastmilk in other ways such as :

  • Expressing milk with hands or pump to establish and maintain milk supply. Wash hands before touching any pump or bottle parts and before expressing breast milk.

  • Follow recommendations for proper pump cleaning

  • Relactation

  • Donor human milk

If you are from Edmonton, AB area here is a great resource from Alberta Health Services.   

Prenatal and Postpartum Information Covid-19

I hope this helps clear up any misinformation. We are in this for the long haul! We will be dealing with issues and the aftermath from COVID-19 for months to come and need to be thinking of how to best support families in the short and long term.  We will get through this together! 

In the meantime, STAY HOME! Stay safe and stay healthy. Be humble and listen to the experts!

Wishing you love and patience,

Melissa & Mychelle 

Lindy (Editor in Chief)

COVID-19 Resources:

CDC Coronavirus Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

WHO Breastfeeding Covid-19

ABM Coronavirus

ILCA Covid-19 and Lactation