Self Care


Hey all you lovely ladies,

It’s Melissa from Little Nursing Company. How is everyone? I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. Wow, what a time we are living in right now! So much uncertainty it’s overwhelming. I’ve been watching Frozen 2, on repeat, with my girls and the song “Into the Unknown” is SO relevant for 2020 thus far.  Mychelle and I are still working at an Edmonton labour and delivery hospital and are experiencing first hand the demands of this virus! 

I’ve been wanting to write for a while now but have been struggling to prioritize what is worth reading during these stressful times! I considered writing a blog on how breastmilk is the best choice for your baby, as it gives immune protection. Who doesn’t want the best immune protection right now?!!   But why “beat a dead horse?” Everyone is aware of that and now is not the time to make any mama feel unsupported for choices made. I thought of writing specifically about HMOs (human milk oligosaccharides) found in breastmilk. There is fascinating new research about how HMOs keep your baby healthy. But that didn’t seem right either.  How about tips on how to help a mother relactate…. Some moms who have stopped breastfeeding might want to start up again during these uncertain times?   

I had all these topics on my mind but just couldn’t sit down and write.  Until a good friend of mine said “keep it short and supportive- less is more right now.”-LA

So all I have for you this month is a couple self care tips, that don’t even involve breastfeeding. Just surviving as humans :)

Breastfeeding Mom, COVID-19 Self Care for Mommas.png
  1. Go outside! Go for a walk or if it's warm enough, just sit outside with a coffee. The Vitamin D on your face is guaranteed to lighten your day

  2. FaceTime friends and loved ones to combat loneliness

  3. Do the thing that has been on your “when I have time” list: binge watching a series, cleaning out the fridge, organizing photos

  4. Spend “quality” time with your kids/family- bring out the puzzles/games/books/movies. And genuinely take the time to enjoy being together

  5. Have a relaxing bath

  6. Allow and release all the feelings during this time; with yourself and your kids, so it doesn’t remain in the body

  7. Do nothing! And don’t feel guilty about it

These self care tips are as much a reminder for you as they are for me. 

Somehow I managed to get out of my “slump” and had a pretty good day, the best one so far! The kids and I baked cinnamon buns, started a puzzle and I enjoyed the best coffee & Bailey’s on the deck in the warm sun.

Please let us know if you would like more infant feeding and/or breastfeeding information on the topics mentioned above. 

Thanks for reading, you’ve got this and you are not as alone as you might feel!

Melissa, RN, IBCLC

“Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids”- Unknown Source

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